The Heart Tree

Posted on Jul 22, 2019 | 8 Comments

Placed ever so carefully, in the shade of a palo verde tree, one will find hundreds, if not thousands, heart-shaped rocks of all different sizes. It is on the descent of every hike, on my favorite Phoenix mountain trail, that I stop and pay homage to this little tree skirted with hearts made of stone. And every time, my mind ponders and reflects!

As I stand gazing at this beauty of a tree, I think about the hands that have placed heart rocks there over the years: the strong & steady hands of a father, the weathered & hard working hands of a grandmother, the gentle & loving hands of a mother, the holding hands of a newly engaged couple, the sweet & petite hands of a child…My thoughts turn to my beautiful daughters and the many times over the years we have found a special spot to place our heart finds there while making a wish or saying a prayer. My mind moves to the person or persons who placed the first heart there. I wonder if they thought it would ever grow to such a lovely place of peace for all to enjoy? Perhaps it was a tribute to a loved one that began it all –

I am back in the moment as hikers pass. I find joy pointing out the tree and sharing the art of hunting and gathering a heart-shaped rock to place beneath the loving branches. To some parents, rock hunting is a nice distraction for their child from what seems to be an endless hike! The hikers continue on their way and it brings a smile as I know they will share this sweet sea of hearts just as so many have!

My thoughts turn again to all of those hearts! Those sweet, soft, comfortable, serene & strong stone hearts of all different sizes, proudly gathered. I am reminded that each of those heart rocks made of many minerals, had to roll, tumble & break to become that strong & beautiful shape. I am reminded how easy it is for our human hearts to become hardened from our struggles and hurts, if we allow it. I am reminded just how fragile our hearts are! I am reminded of the power of love!

It is time for me to get on with my day. I place my collected heart rock in a special spot, say a prayer of thanks and make a wish. I thank God for my beautiful daughters, the creation of this mountain, the trees, the cacti, fellow hikers, the rocks, the animals. My wish is, perhaps one day, I will meet the soul or souls who placed that very first heart rock there, beneath the little palo verde tree, on this beautiful desert mountainside, for all of us to love!

With all my heart,
