The Beauty In Wandering

Posted on Jan 14, 2020 | No Comments

Have you ever found yourself walking about with no particular place to be, no schedule, no phones, no plan? Maybe you have felt this freedom during a vacation or maybe instead, you find yourself needing a vacation from your vacation!

Wandering frees and expands our mind and gives us a much needed rest from all the noise of this world. It is nourishment for the heart and soul! And just as we find the importance in working out and nourishing our body, we must take the time to nourish our beautiful and fragile insides. It can be difficult to tune out, to unwind, and it might feel unproductive and uncomfortable at first. While wandering, there might be a feeling of disconnect. It may take time to fully experience the beauty in wandering! It is truly precious time when we are wholly connected, to self, giving us the ability to see and feel deeper.

Perhaps it is taking in the sights and sounds of nature or getting lost in the colors and textures inside a museum. Maybe it is a delicious bubble bath or listening to your favorite music. Maybe it is curled up in a cozy chair reading a great book or time spent in prayer/meditation. For me, my favorite wandering time includes hiking in the desert, getting lost in a painting way beyond the depths of colors & wading in the caressing salty ocean waves. Whatever it may look like to you, the beauty in giving yourself permission to wander revives and energizes! It is a beautiful gift of self care and where there is self care there is a gentleness in spirit.

The beauty in wandering…it is magical, lovely and grace-filled! I hope you find yourself wandering soon, your self will thank you!



The Art of Surprise!

Posted on Jan 5, 2020 | No Comments

Encouraging others to explore their gifts within has always been a passion of mine. I enjoy sharing this space through art. For many of us, the thought of picking up a paint brush or pen to create can be intimidating and scary. Thoughts like: “what if I don’t do this right”?, “what if it doesn’t look like that”?, and the big one, “what if I make a mistake”? are common when it comes to exploring the idea of creating. Actually, common thoughts before trying anything new!

I understand the intimidation and the fear that can be present, as these are challenges I continue to work on. To cheer on a fellow artist (yes, you♥️) and watch as they discover, wonder, and are surprised by what blooms is exciting! What emerges through the mind, through the body, through the heart & soul and out the hand is electrifying, personal and uniquely perfect! There are no mistakes! Trusting, allowing and letting go without judgement is a beautiful gift to self. This practice is spontaneous, joyful, gentle, healing, life changing and can be tapped into at anytime. It opens up possibilities and sparks positivity! You have the key! It is often called Art Therapy, Intuitive Art, playing with paints, or as I like to call it: The Art of Surprise!

As I look back on the past year, I am incredibly thankful for lessons learned and the discoveries & surprises I met along the way! I am thankful for the gift of friendship! I am thankful for my dear friend, Jacquie Donahue, who introduced me to Gateless Writing, a practice in which “Jacquie marries ancient Zen technique with creative brain science and finds the power and beauty in the stories you hold inside”. Thank you, Jacquie, for sharing this special gift with us all!

As we enter into a new year, I am excited to continue to encourage others as they discover their unique gifts…those gifts are just waiting to be unveiled! Stay tuned for opportunities to begin your personal exploration… you will be surprised!

Happy New Year & Cheers to Surprises!
With Love,♥️

Below: The paper towel used as my paint brush blotter in a recent watercolor project… to my surprise, a flowering tree emerged!
