Soul Expression

Posted on Sep 16, 2024 | No Comments

Play in a child’s developmental years is imperative to their “joy, freedom and contentment” (Where Children Grow, Froebel). We must not let it stop there!  As adults, we must gift ourselves permission to carry out this same soul expression. It may seem like it is trivial or even immature to do so … quite the contrary! Swinging on a swing, twirling in a flower field, dancing in the rain, digging in a garden, singing in the shower, spattering paint, building a sand castle…. all beautiful ways to let go, bringing a sense of peace, freeing the soul!

When my clients ask me what they will be experiencing during our Intuitive Art (The Art of Surprise) session, I share that no matter your age, it is this free expression we will tap into, allowing your soul to soar:


~  Where Children Grow, by Friedrich Froebel, inventor of kindergarten. Cover, Justine Maendel, The First  2022


Just Because

Posted on Sep 7, 2024 | No Comments

A compliment, a smile, a flower plucked from the garden. It doesn’t have to be an occasion to shower an act of kindness upon someone.  A thank you for “just being you” note, a little extra tip, holding the door, finding the owners of a lost dog, listening, a hug… the list goes on and on. And the beautiful thing, kindness grows like wildflowers, like dandelion seeds blown into the wind. With each new day brings opportunity, opportunity to shine these beautiful acts upon others…just because!

xo, Jana

dandelions at sunset
photo: stock image


God’s Creations

Posted on Sep 5, 2024 | No Comments

“Everything created by God gives us an insight into his nature – mighty mountains, immense oceans, rivers, and great expanses of water; storms, thunder and lightning, huge icebergs; meadows, flowers, trees, and ferns. There is power, harshness, and manliness, but there is also gentleness, motherliness, and sensitivity. And just as the various forms of life in nature do not exist without each other, God’s children, too, male and female, do not exist alone. They are different, but they are both made in God’s image and they need each other,
to fulfill their true destinies.”



Arizona Grown

Posted on Sep 3, 2024 | No Comments

I take great pride in being born and raised in Arizona! I have seen many changes in the Valley of the Sun over the years.  The desert land is a sacred place that we must protect, respect and leave better than we found it! Our state seal proudly proclaims: “Ditat Deus” Latin for God enriches. May God continue to watch over & enrich our great state and may these blessings blanket our country. Proud to be Arizona grown and incredibly grateful for our freedoms those before us fought so hard for. Ditat Deus!

