The Tunnel
On a recent bike ride, I rode through my favorite tunnel. At the end, a great, light-filled view appears, reminding me that the journey through life is similar. The saying, “the light at the end of the tunnel” seems to hold true …. while there may be challenges and darkness along the way, the light always prevails.
As I continue to ride through life, I have come to realize how important it is to recognize both the dark & the light-filled moments, as it is along the way where the most beautiful growth occurs. We will continue to ride through tunnels our entire life here on this earth, leaving it up to us how we view the journey. As we travel and then arrive, we have gained experience & grown, realizing we made it through once again! The light perhaps, may not be as bright as we had hoped at times, but we made it and we learned!
My thoughts on this beautiful Wednesday … life is like a tunnel…. a beautiful, messy, rewarding, eye-opening, glorious, heartbreaking, challenging, lovely, bumpy, incredible, light-filled… ride!