The Kitchen Towel

Posted on Jan 2, 2014 | No Comments

I just love kitchen towels. They are fun, playful and serve a multitude of purposes in our home. My kitchen towel hangs proudly beneath the sink just waiting to be snatched away from its perch at any moment. The life of a kitchen towel is rewarding yet exhausting I am sure. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, it is loved and used so much it gets worn and tattered but never thrown out, and never stops being loved.

The kitchen towel dries the dishes, is grabbed for a quick spill cleanup and sometimes used for the wiping of tears.  The towel dries our clean hands and wipes off our not so clean hands. Our kitchen towel protects tabletops by lying underneath school projects and wipes up spills that seem to miraculously appear under the couch.  Sometimes the kitchen towel finds itself in a game of tug-o-war with our beloved Labrador and Basset Hound. As they playfully growl and pull the kitchen towel in their game, sounds of ripping fabric add to the fun. When the game is over and the next exciting thing comes along, like bird chasing, the kitchen towel gets swept off the floor ready for the next activity. And sometimes, the kitchen towel has to cleanup some really messy things; leaving it with permanent stains not even the most powerful bleach could tackle.

After every wash and tumble dry, this sturdy towel still finds itself hanging back in its proud spot underneath the sink looking a bit more like a well-worn garage rag then a lovely kitchen towel.  The beautiful floral pattern a bit faded, the edges are frayed, but there it sits ready and willing at anytime for the next gig.  I enjoy giving kitchen towels as gifts to my friends, perhaps hoping they will find the same endearment in their towel.

Somehow, this small household item brings a great sense of belonging and love to our home.  Who would think a small, seemingly insignificant towel could add so much excitement, comfort and joy to our lives?  It is truly in the little things I find the greatest fulfillment. So as we welcome in 2014, my wish is that you find this same joy…in the little things!

 ”Sometimes,” said Pooh, “the smallest things take up the most space in your heart.”




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