A Beautiful Day!

Posted on Aug 13, 2022 | No Comments

Today, I ventured out to my brother’s favorite Pacific Coast beach spot, Leo Carrillo, in western Malibu. As I sat looking out at the gorgeous sparkling waves crashing upon the rock and rolling on to the shore, I felt as though I had been here before…even before my brother had introduced me to this magical place. And then it came to me, I had, been here before, hundreds of times, only it was in a movie theatre and in front of a tv screen. If you wait for the popcorn to pop you might miss the intro …as the movie, Grease opens with a scene set at Leo Carrillo Beach…the tune, Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing, plays in the background. And so, in awe of it all, today I sat, with love, sadness & peace in my heart, honoring my brother and Olivia, two kind & tender souls that blessed me and countless others with their presence …now flying free!  It was a beautiful day!




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