Summer Wanderings
As summer comes to a close & glimpses of fall appear, I reflect upon these past few months and I am thankful for the journey. I embrace it all: the wonder, the u-turns, the excitement, the steep climbs, the joy, the sadness, the laughter, the tears, the awe, the memories. The beauty in wandering became even more clear to me, as I found myself deeply rooted no matter where I was planted.
During my travels, my senses & soul were ignited by: the stillness of sitting by a river watching as the sun danced upon the water, the picking of a sun-ripened apple from a sturdy apple tree branch, the smell of soup made from fresh greens curling through the air, the witnessing of the unique art forms in nature, the organic gardening in soil as rich as hot chocolate, the dark starry nights exploding with bursts of light, the silence & tranquility standing in a field of pinto bean plants as far as the eye could see, the animals playing & dancing freely, the rainbows magically appearing after a gentle rain, the handsome mountains and pretty white clouds in the distance as if an artist had painted them there….
As I make my way back home, the windows are rolled down…I am belting out my favorite tunes…. breathing in, breathing out, this wandering experience. The interesting people met along the way, some with stories to share, others simply sharing a glance and a smile. The gracious and loving hospitality, warmth, wisdom & hugs from dear friends ….the gratitude overflows! I re-enter now, grateful for what I have experienced, encouraged by what I have learned, and excited for what is yet to come! Summer Wanderings 2022, thank you for the magic!
xo, Jana

Summer Wanderings, 2022