Betty & Bill

Posted on Mar 11, 2023 | No Comments

She taught me how to sew,  he taught me how to drive a golf cart. She graced me with her wisdom , he with his sense of humor. They, Betty & Bill, are my grandparents and while I was very young when they passed on, my memories are strong!

Some called her Elizabeth, some called her Betty but I called her Grandmommy…maker of the most delicious chocolate chip cookies & peach pie on the planet … and  she, was a strong and tough cookie, being the youngest of eight siblings. Hard work and responsibility were at the top of the list of household duties. Creative & talented she was, with her watercolor art and maker of copper plates and kettles. An amazing seamstress too…making my tennis dresses & nightgowns and outfits for me, my sister and cousins …teaching me how to sew on her pedal-driven singer sewing machine was a thrill! She loved to entertain: dinner parties, bridge groups … always adding those special touches,  like hand painted place cards that made her guests feel welcome. She had a green thumb, loving flowers, always growing beautiful violets and roses.

The kindest man you will ever meet, Granddaddy Bill. He taught me card tricks, magic tricks, shared jokes and how to steer the golf cart straight. I can still hear his jovial laugh and see that twinkle in is eye! He was a hard-working, dedicated man and had a kind word for all he came across in his day.

A glamorous woman Betty was, making sure she had the perfect earrings on to match her beautiful dresses or pant suits, along with a bit of lip color to polish off the outfit. Always put together and full of glam!  She kept in shape by stretching every morning and swimming laps in the community pool.   He, always dapper, loving her on his arm as they would enter a party, always coordinating his tie with her outfit…a darling couple , complementing each other beautifully.

I see a little bit of each of them in me … forever in my heart, this petite but mighty woman & this jovial kind man …Betty & Bill to most,  but always Grandmommy & Granddaddy to me.

xo Jana




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