Heart Fire!

Posted on Jul 2, 2024 | No Comments

Heart fire rises,
golden and ruby reds.
The body responds,
to the rhythm of the beat,
as if to say,
bring on the heat!

Heart of mine,
tender yet strong,
you know right where you belong!

No greater beauty,
nothing shines brighter,
nothing more fine,
than a loving heart,
Oh, this heart of mine!

Keep the fire burning bright,
all day, all night.
Freedom pumping through the veins,
Freedom to sing,
Freedom to play, to dance,
Freedom to love,
no holding back!

Heart fire,
light up the room,
passion exploding,
in full bloom!

Heart fire rises,
golden and ruby reds.
The body responds,
to the rhythm of the beat,
as if to say,
bring on the heat!

~ Jana
Poetry 2024

IMG_3886Photo: Unknown

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