Moon Majesty

Posted on Aug 3, 2024 | No Comments

Moon Majesty all aglow,
midnight companion,
drawing us close,
hugging the soul.

Moon Majesty,
setting the night ablaze,
shining your face,
batting your eyes,
in mysterious ways.

  Moon Majesty holding court,
beneath your radiance so bold,
memories are made,
stories are told.

A warm embrace,
a campfire song,
a tender kiss,
a quiet prayer,
the list goes on.

Moon Majesty,
what do you see from there high above,
do you shed a tear of sadness,
then a tear of love?

Moon Majesty all aglow,
midnight companion,
drawing us close,
hugging the soul.

Moon Majesty,
set the sky ablaze,
shine upon us from high above,
flood us with your majesty,
illuminate us with your love!

Poetry 2024


Photo: Anzuoni


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