Into The Stillness

Posted on Aug 15, 2024 | No Comments

Through the haze,
it’s hard to see,
the distant light,
gently guiding me.

Into the stillness I go,
embracing the mystery,
taking it slow,
trusting the glow.

Surrounded by the beauty,
God’s hand in it all,
letting go of fear,
he’s got me,
even if I fall.

Into the stillness I go,
with strength & assurance,
it’s no mistake,
the heart is healing,
with each step I take.

Moving forward,
just being me,
walking with grace,
simple and carefree.

Into the stillness I go,
through the haze,
now I see,
he‘s always been there,
right beside me.

Poetry 2024

IMG_4896  Photo: Open Art

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