Jana’s Bandanas

Posted on Oct 15, 2024 | No Comments

A while back I had a bandana business offering head coverings for women and children experiencing hair loss. I know deeply what this feels like has I have experienced this off and on since the age of 7 due to an auto-immune condition. I wanted to provide comfort and support.

I met with beautiful & precious women and children going through Cancer, Environmental Illness, Diabetes and many other Auto-immune disorders. We would meet at their home, in my home  or wherever they were most comfortable. I would show them how to tie the bandanas in fun ways and my favorite, how to create a cute bun in the back. I showered them with empathy, support and lots of love! “The eyes, (I would share) are the most gorgeous part of our face and when the hair is gone, it is our eyes that shine bright!”

I put great thought into the designs using fabrics like organic cottons, cotton velvets, and some poly blends.  I had so much fun going to market shopping for the textiles choosing a wide range of patterns and solids to fit many tastes. I began by sewing them myself and then had a seamstress on board for more production. I also created cute caps adorned with little rosebuds or pretty lace as an easy throw on option.

I know that I said I had a “business” but it turns out that this was truly a compassion project. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to provide some support for so many lovely women and children. It truly warms my heart whenever I think about that time… and those sweet humans with the most beautiful eyes …a true blessing!

xo, Jana



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