Beautiful Observations

Posted on Oct 26, 2024 | No Comments

Do you ever feel like the sweet creatures of the world navigate toward you like they did in the movies toward Cinderella and Snow White? They aren’t afraid to get close & look you in the eye like they are telling you something very important? I experience this quite often …

There is a beautiful Quail that visits me in the mornings on my kitchen window sill… with his colorful feathers he watches as I prepare my morning tea as if to say “Good morning sweet child, you have got this day”! On my walks or hikes, the birds, bunnies, and bees are not frightened by my presence …they walk or fly alongside or in front of me as if to guide my way.

On hard days when the world feels like it is caving in, walk outside, listen for a minute, find that Sparrow, Woodpecker, Hummingbird, Quail or Cottontail bunny and simply observe. That tiny act, that brief pause from the hustle and bustle resets and refreshes us. When I am still and observe,  I start thinking about their resilience, their focus on immediate needs. If they can’t find food, they continue on until they do. If they lose a nest, they build another… there is no time or energy for grief. They call to one another to keep the group going or simply just sing their pretty tune.

I believe that birds and bunnies and the sweet creatures that roam are God’s gift to us all …accept it and take it all in!  The more you do you might find the sweet creatures will seek you. Maybe those princesses were on to something…

xo, Jana

IMG_6694photo credit: Disney


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