New Website

Posted on Jan 17, 2013 | 4 Comments

Welcome to my new website. I will update this blog from time to time. Stay tuned.


  1. Diane
    January 23, 2013

    My beautiful sister in law… so proud of you! Your work is amazing and so are you! The website is great! Best wishes in your career! Definitely have to have a painting! Love you! xoxox <3

    • Jana
      January 28, 2013

      Thank you my sweet sister-in-law! It is a fun and exciting journey! Your painting is in my thoughts and will be on canvas one day soon! Love you too! xoxox

  2. Holly Herick
    February 20, 2013

    Inspiration comes from everywhere at anytime. For me is is usually in the beauty of flowers, animals and people. Color is a visual treat and I often wonder if Heaven’s colors will be even more than we can observe here. Art to me is about wonder. I wonder all the time if I can recreate a shape or color, something I see in the world around me—recreate it in a new way—not exactly like I saw it. I ‘wonder’ what you will paint next Jana. Keep up the great work. It is fun getting to know you again from afar.

    • Jana
      February 22, 2013

      Thank you Holly for your wonderful comments and insight on what inspires you! I love hearing the journey of others. YOU inspire me!


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