A Merry Little Christmas

Posted on Dec 24, 2024 | No Comments

Life can take us in different directions,  sometimes in a direction we never thought we would go. Sometimes that direction is glorious & beautiful … sometimes painful and lonely.  No matter the circumstances, faith is always there for the taking! Having faith and trusting in God  in the extremely challenging times, as they unfold in our life, is a gift. The many blessings that surround us,  even seeing the blessings in the pain, as we open our eyes to it all,  laying it all down and accepting that every part of it is an important piece of our spiritual growth journey.

“When faith goes to market it always takes a basket” ~ L.B. Cowman , Streams In The Desert. 

And so, I share this tiny tumbleweed tree with you this Christmas, adorned with beautiful  burgundy red velvet ribbon sent to me by my dear Aunt Dolly.  Grateful for the love of family and friends and for God’s love as He wraps His loving arms around us all this Christmas and always!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas!

♥️, Jana


The Beekeepers

Posted on Dec 20, 2024 | No Comments

The bees, as they buzz around working hard to pollinate our crops & flowers, make delicious honey, and support our natural ecosystem,  is truly nothing short of miraculous! But there is more….

In my outings there always appears a bee, just one that seems to simply stop by and say “hello”.   As a child, I used to be fearful of them probably because I was scared of getting stung.  But, as I grew and learned more about them, I turned that fear into curiosity and welcomed them and they seemed to welcome me right back.

There is also a spiritual significance to bees. Not only are they masters of their craft, they also symbolize God’s strength, wisdom and love! Wow… what a powerhouse in these tiny flying beauties!

Sweet bees, I thank you for your gifts to us humans… we honor you & must strive to be beekeepers in our own way, protecting and keeping you safe… thank you for working hard and being such  ”busy bees”  to provide for us!  The existence of human life depends on you and we are grateful!


photo by: unknown


The Clothesline

Posted on Dec 12, 2024 | No Comments

In the gentle breeze,
the bright whites and colors sway,
catching the morning sun,
each and every ray.

By a sturdy wooden pin,
garments are secured,
to the tension of the line, 
  strung in poetic unison,   
so simple yet divine. 

Dancing to and fro,
the gentle breeze gains pace.
As the clouds roll through,
a quiet stillness comes,
a little rest,
for the sun’s shining face.  

Doing chores by hand,  
   there is no winner of a race,  
    just a simple act of love,    
filled with so much grace.

   A peace washes over me,   
      it is in gratitude I bow,    
     to the sun & the breeze,   
and to the clothesline,
I  thank you now,
for a day so lovely,
like honey so sweet,
for standing the test of time,
for a day so beautifully complete! 

Poetry 2024

IMG_7437photo credit:  Nikolyn McDonald  “ Line Drying Laundry”

A Pink Tub

Posted on Nov 30, 2024 | No Comments

The art of relaxing and enjoying nature is so beautiful for the heart & soul.  What a blessing it is to have incredible forests and deserts and mountains & oceans to enjoy! This image really spoke to me as I seek out my next adventure! I see taking in breathtaking views, on a beautiful piece of land, surrounded by flowers, all while soaking in a pink tub!

What speaks to your heart as you think about finding the art in relaxing? Where would your adventure take you?

xo, Jana

IMG_7237photo: free image

Surrender It All

Posted on Nov 29, 2024 | 2 Comments

Surrender it all to Me,
How could that be I ask,
Don’t I need to keep a grasp?

No, He gently said,
I will see you through,
In times of trouble and of good,
Allow it to just be.

Keep the Faith sweet child,
Take My right hand,
Hold on tight.
You got this sweet child,
You will see,
It will set you free!

Share Hope sweet child,
Shine your light bright,
Your loving heart and your grace.
The world needs you now,
For all that we face.

Feel the Love sweet child,
I am with you all the way.
I have brought you through every storm,
Ever since the day you were born.

You will see, sweet child….
I will set you free,
Surrender it all to Me!
Love, God

Jana ~ 2024



A Grateful Heart

Posted on Nov 28, 2024 | No Comments

Finding gratitude in experiencing the simple things in life… feeling gratitude in all of life‘s ups and downs and in-betweens!   Thanksgiving blessings to you all! With a grateful heart….

xo, Jana

“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace”. ~ French Proverb


Tiny Treasures

Posted on Nov 23, 2024 | No Comments

IMG_7097Sarah Young “Jesus Calling”


The Power Of Love

Posted on Oct 28, 2024 | No Comments


IMG_6730Quote: Sandy Cowen   Photo: Pinterest


Beautiful Observations

Posted on Oct 26, 2024 | No Comments

Do you ever feel like the sweet creatures of the world navigate toward you like they did in the movies toward Cinderella and Snow White? They aren’t afraid to get close & look you in the eye like they are telling you something very important? I experience this quite often …

There is a beautiful Quail that visits me in the mornings on my kitchen window sill… with his colorful feathers he watches as I prepare my morning tea as if to say “Good morning sweet child, you have got this day”! On my walks or hikes, the birds, bunnies, and bees are not frightened by my presence …they walk or fly alongside or in front of me as if to guide my way.

On hard days when the world feels like it is caving in, walk outside, listen for a minute, find that Sparrow, Woodpecker, Hummingbird, Quail or Cottontail bunny and simply observe. That tiny act, that brief pause from the hustle and bustle resets and refreshes us. When I am still and observe,  I start thinking about their resilience, their focus on immediate needs. If they can’t find food, they continue on until they do. If they lose a nest, they build another… there is no time or energy for grief. They call to one another to keep the group going or simply just sing their pretty tune.

I believe that birds and bunnies and the sweet creatures that roam are God’s gift to us all …accept it and take it all in!  The more you do you might find the sweet creatures will seek you. Maybe those princesses were on to something…

xo, Jana

IMG_6694photo credit: Disney


Art Speaks

Posted on Oct 20, 2024 | No Comments

It brings great joy to my heart knowing that the kind people who have purchased my art over the years continue to cherish it! It is also a testimony to how art speaks to people on a personal level …one knows when a piece has touched their soul. The owner of this painting, Black Flowers 2011, shared with me that it has made a few moves with their family and they will always treasure it! I am honored!
xo, Jana



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