I Believe In Music

Posted on Feb 11, 2021 | No Comments

I admire and appreciate those that can play it, read it, write it, sing it. I was not gifted with musical talent but I am a huge fan! A painting on my easel and background music, the car radio turned up loud, during weekend house cleaning, upon awakening, at bedtime… anytime, anywhere, any opportunity to tune in!  When my girls were little we would stand on the bed, hairbrushes in hand, belting out Dancing Queen by ABBA…pure, uninhibited, joy!

A dear friend and I were on a roll, attending concerts by bands that were at their peak in the 1970’s & 80’s. Granted, not all of the bands are intact with original band members, but we certainly can close our eyes and pretend!  It is a great feeling,  singing out loud with thousands of other music lovers!   Missing our concert outings and hoping our valley venues will open back up soon, becoming alive with music & fans once again!

I have my favorites… artists and bands: Steve Perry, Michael McDonald, Jackson Browne, Linda Ronstadt, Billy Joel, John Waite, Frank Sinatra, Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Joni Mitchell, Toto, Journey, Cheap Trick, Survivor, Tears For Fears, Bad Company, ABBA, Van Halen, The Cars, Boston, Loverboy, Eagles, Foreigner, to name a few. Steve Perry (a.k.a…my rocker boyfriend, smile) is my favorite artist, perhaps of all time!  Oh how I would love to see him tour again. Be still my heart if that should ever happen… what will I wear!?!

Music makes the world a happier place. A place where we can take a collective deep breath and for a moment come together with a common bond. A place where the lyrics have the ability to deeply resinate, pulling up memories while often transporting us back in time. A place to gather, tap our toes, unbutton our collars, let loose & show our vulnerable side. A place to believe, a place to love…

Music is love and love is music if you know what I mean

People that believe in music are the happiest people I’ve ever seen

I believe in music

I believe in love…. 

I know what you mean, Mac Davis….I know exactly what you mean!




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