Love Is….

Posted on Oct 6, 2021 | No Comments

This darling  little book has been with me since childhood & to this day sits on my nightstand, reminding me of what love truly is…the tattered pages continuing to bring joy.  What I have learned from this sweet little book is that love is a deep appreciation. A deep appreciation for the beauty all around us, within ourselves and within others.  Love is caring unconditionally, speaking kindly, listening intently & giving big warm hugs. Love is  respecting one another, nature and the precious  animals that live among us.  Love is kind, it is sharing thoughts or helping someone in need. Love is the warm feeling that comes over you when thinking of that special someone. Love fills the heart and soul … once you feel it, the heart never forgets…that beautiful and sweet emotion, we call “love“, takes-up residence in the heart and lives there forever & ever.

“Love is a happy feeling that stays in your heart for the rest of your life” ~ Joan Walsh Anglund,  Love Is A Special Way Of Feeling.




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