Success Comes In Cans

Posted on Aug 18, 2024 | No Comments

It was 1980 and we were seated in our auditorium at Saguaro H.S. listening to a vibrant and fun motivational speaker. He was speaking to our Speech and Communications class, directed by Rose A. Nack.

The speaker’s name, Joel Weldon, professional public speaker, trainer and coach. He would later be known as instrumental in shaping the public speaking industry. He and Rose were great friends and we were excited to have Mr. Joel Weldon on our campus, enlighting us all!  Beaming with his Arizona tan and bright white smile, we hung on every energetic word!

Rose Nack’s students were blessed with so many incredible tools for success. She equipped us with great nuggets from her tool box that I know many of her students, including myself, still draw from to this day. Not only did she teach us about the importance of a positive attitude, she  helped us discover the genuine strengths each of us had within, helping us recognize and foster those gifts. And, as a bonus, she brought us Joel Weldon!

After Mr. Weldon was done shining his wisdom upon us that day, he left each of us with this quote and takeaway so we would never forget: “Success comes in cans, not in cannots”.  Written on a can of course, to make it fun and really drive it home. Thank you Joel Weldon and thank you to the incredible Rose Nack  … You made a big impression on us and planted amazing seeds for growth in our young minds! Forever grateful for your teachings, your wisdom and your dedication to us all!




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