“The Load Out”

Posted on Nov 11, 2022 | No Comments

The ocean waves crashing on the shore, friends & family sharing great stories, laughter & tears echoing in the wind, sweet dogs lounging in the sand , “The Load Out” by Jackson Browne being sung by an amazing musician, a hug & shoulder to cry on from my brother’s dear and long-time friend, expressing my family’s gratitude to his family and expressing my admiration to him for the friendship he and Billy shared & for all of the friends here, some traveling from afar, on this beautiful Sunday evening in October…

We honored, we cried, we laughed and we said our good-byes to an incredible brother, uncle, friend, co-worker, human… Forever in our hearts is where you will be!

But when that last guitar’s been packed away
You know that I still wanna play
So just make sure you got it all set to go
Before you come for my piano…
~Jackson Browne, “The Load Out”


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