Those Before Us

Posted on Oct 17, 2022 | No Comments

I often think about the people who were here on this land before us, inhabiting the Arizona desert, calling it home…

When I was young, I visited home construction sites with my dad. On many of these visits we would find American Indian artifacts like pottery pieces, tools and arrowheads. It was always so exciting to find such treasures! I was fascinated with the thought of people living where I lived, long before me…living in such a simple way, off of the land. It was not until adulthood that I really understood the beauty in this way of life.

I think of those before us especially while out on our desert mountain hiking trails. As I pause & be still, I can feel their love, their protection of the land…I can feel the loyalty to their people….their ethical standards. A wave of respect always flows over me.

In the Anishinaabe, Native American culture, a beautiful set of teachings is expressed called, The Seven Grandfather Teachings. These teachings state that “human beings are responsible to act with wisdom, respect, love, honesty, humility, bravery, and truth toward each other and all creation.”

Powerful words to live by…much can be learned from those who came before us, if we simply be still and listen.

xo, Jana


photo credit: photographer unknown, image from Etsy


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