Weed Or Warrior

Posted on Mar 29, 2020 | No Comments

They pop up after it rains, sometimes in the harshest of environments. They often bloom beautiful flowers, blanketing the landscape with vibrant color… brilliant yellows, oranges, purples and blues. They dance gracefully to the wind, swaying to and fro. They often are mowed down but bounce right back, standing even taller than before!

Some are nutritional, some are medicinal, and some simply bring a smile with their beauty…they all nourish and strengthen our soil. Perhaps these amazing greens are not here to annoy us but rather, they are here on this earth to teach us. Is this just a plant growing in the wrong place? I don’t think so. I think these smart plants know exactly what they are doing!

During challenging times, we look for comfort and search for strength to get us through. What if we begin looking at these plants as a gift rather than as a nuisance? What if we begin to look at these strong and resilient flowering greens not as annoying “weeds” but as warriors… providing us with that strength boost we need to carry on…reminding us to be strong wherever we are planted, to be grateful even for the smallest of things, to never give up and to forever remind us that we all have a brave, beautiful & strong warrior within!

With Strength, Grace, & Love,


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