The Truck Ride Home

Posted on Sep 22, 2020 | No Comments

“I love your painting titled: ‘Bright Abstract‘…I am driving my truck out to Phoenix at the end of the month to pick it up!” ~ Ginger

It is always a thrill to sell a painting and at the same time it is hard to part with each one…so much love and passion goes into the entire creative process. It is like attaching colors to my soul and then brushing those soul-filled colors onto a canvas. I have learned that I must stay true to self by painting what feels good to me even though it may not appeal to all. I am thankful my clients feel this honoring of “trueness“ when they share their excitement to own one of my originals. It is fun to listen to them interpret my work and think out loud about where in their home they will display it ….and it is really fun to receive a photo of my (now, their) art in action!

Art is an important addition to a space and creates a “feel” upon entering a room…art pulls it all together! Over the years, I have found that my work compliments many different home styles from Contemporary to Hacienda, Traditional to Mid-Century and Ranch to Mission. It is fun when a client invites my work into their home, creating a look that speaks to them. It is like my artwork has been invited to a personal decorating party!

Ginger has a deep appreciation for the creative as she happens to be an artist herself. She also owns & operates with love, Dust Devil Ranch, a horse rescue sanctuary in Cedar City, Utah. …a place surrounded by beautiful animals, goodness, hard work and joy! Thank you Ginger, for the tender care you give to those sweet & majestic horses… “Bright Abstract” truly went to an incredible home! Thank you for sharing this snapshot of where it landed in your cool & personal ranch space, after the long…truck ride home. I am honored!



The Little Leaf

Posted on Sep 9, 2020 | No Comments

It has been said that the “little things” in life are really the big things. A smile, a kind word, a handwritten note, a wagging tail, a hug from an old friend, rocking a sleeping baby, a sunset, laughter, a compliment, the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings, a helping hand, a gentle touch…

The collective energy of these little things makes our universe sing! We must remind ourselves, in this exaggerated world, to tune-in and experience the small day-to-day happenings. We have been programmed to believe we have to cram as much as possible into our every day to be successful. Experiencing the little things, the giving & the receiving, as we pause for that moment in time, is a huge success and is much more beautiful & significant than we could ever imagine!

On a recent grocery store trip, I noticed a little brown leaf on a lovely speckled pear. The leaf, incredibly dainty, yet still in tact even after the growing, picking, washing, transporting, displaying, bagging, buying and then the transporting again…to my kitchen. I just know that this little leaf made it through that journey to remind me to pay attention to the little things in life and that a successful day may be as simple as a smile. Thank you, little pear leaf, I am grateful for the sweet reminder!



Little Hands

Posted on Sep 6, 2020 | No Comments

“The Art of Surprise” has been on the road bringing the joy of creating to the children! Hunting and gathering in nature for supplies, combined with pigments & tactile mediums, welcomes creative surprises galore!

The happiness I feel sharing the love of art with these darling children is life-changing. The unbridled creativity that flows through these little hands inspires me! The freeness to explore in a nonjudgmental way is what I wish for my adult participants, as I always encourage them to tap into their inner child that knows no bounds. A child is not concerned about what is happening to the left or right of them rather, just the happenings that are right in front of them…the use of color and forms as they wish without hesitation. What a beautiful and freeing dance to witness!

Little hands will one day be big hands, with many life experiences stored in the heart on this life journey. My hope is that these little artists will always remember their creative time: The Art of Surprise with Miss Jana, and how they were flying free with expression. A place and feeling they can always tap into even when those little hands are all grown up!

The Art of Surprise / August 2020
“A Bug Named Silly” / Mixed media on canvas
Greyson ~ age 5


Monday Morning

Posted on Sep 1, 2020 | No Comments

The sunrise is peeking through my window blinds, gently nudging me to wake. It is the last day of August and it has been a hot one! I glance at my phone, could this really be today’s forecast? I roll out of bed & hop on my cruiser, the morning greeting me with a 79 degree soft breeze. I giggle, thinking it is almost sweater weather here in AZ… well, okay, that may be a bit of a stretch!

I ride by all of the sweet desert critters I usually see on my route and smile, bidding them all a happy morning. I approach the glistening golf greens where quite a few eager golfers are swinging away. A hummingbird flutters in front of me, almost as if to show me the way. Riding into the sunrise, I continue east.

It is time to turn around and begin my journey back home, the sun now warming my shoulders. Rounding the bend, I spot a pretty lady wearing a breezy blue floral dress. She appears to be enjoying the mountain view. Her face, soft aglow with the morning sun as she stares off into the distance. I stop for a water break and I say hello. We chat for a few moments talking about the nice change of weather, the sparse monsoons of the summer, and how thankful we are to live in such an incredible place. And then, she pauses and says, “We must always, each and every day, take in and appreciate this beauty.” “Oh my, yes,” I say. “Thank you for allowing me to share this moment with you on this glorious morning.” We sit in silence, allowing our senses to soak it all in. I then wish her a happy rest of her day. She smiles, and wishes me the same.

As I ride away, the pretty lady in her breezy blue floral dress stays behind, continuing to enjoy the morning on her cruiser… a wheelchair. Blessings to you beautiful lady! Thank you for blessing me with your lovely presence & the joyful reminder to appreciate the beauty all around us on this early Monday morning, and every day!

