Paint The World Pink

Posted on Nov 11, 2022 | No Comments

Gratitude is a beautiful and powerful expression of love! Gratitude can be expressed in many ways: in a symbol, in a practice, how we think, in words and in our actions. This expression of love expands hearts, reaching deep, having the power to transform lives! We can express gratitude to the earth, to the animals, to ourselves, to each other!

It makes sense that the color pink is associated with this beautiful expression, as pink also represents love. Pink is a calming, happy, peaceful color… a color that has always spoken to me. The color pink makes an appearance in each of my paintings, whether it be incognito or right there in plain sight, pink is always present, sending a gratefulness vibe out into the world.

I strive to paint the days pink, showing my gratitude, even when struggles arrive. My heart is grateful for this life that has been blessed upon me and all of the animals, nature & amazing people in it… keeping my heart open to  that beautiful, soft and gentle pink color, shining it upon others so they may know what a blessing they are to me and to the world! Imagine a world painted pink…a beautiful & glorious gratitude-filled world!

xo, Jana

4E66103C-CCE7-4D8C-8B4F-09D1C91968BBphoto credit: Pinterest


“The Load Out”

Posted on Nov 11, 2022 | No Comments

The ocean waves crashing on the shore, friends & family sharing great stories, laughter & tears echoing in the wind, sweet dogs lounging in the sand , “The Load Out” by Jackson Browne being sung by an amazing musician, a hug & shoulder to cry on from my brother’s dear and long-time friend, expressing my family’s gratitude to his family and expressing my admiration to him for the friendship he and Billy shared & for all of the friends here, some traveling from afar, on this beautiful Sunday evening in October…

We honored, we cried, we laughed and we said our good-byes to an incredible brother, uncle, friend, co-worker, human… Forever in our hearts is where you will be!

But when that last guitar’s been packed away
You know that I still wanna play
So just make sure you got it all set to go
Before you come for my piano…
~Jackson Browne, “The Load Out”
