Shed Like A Dog

Posted on Apr 30, 2023 | No Comments

Recently, while out on a walk, I met a sweet pup and his kind human.  As I was admiring the dog’s beautiful soft brown coat, the owner says,  “I love my dog but he sheds horribly.”  I responded, “I like to look at dog shedding as emitting magical fibers of unconditional love and an abundance of sunshine spreading!”

To keep my art career going strong, I pet sit on the side, getting my dog fix with each of my sweet furry clients.  Dogs make me smile and laugh, providing such an endearing tenderness that is so good for the soul!  I have to believe that dogs wake every morning thinking this is going to be a great and adventurous day with lots of love to share… and of course, wanting to know when breakfast will be served!

Imagine if we all ventured out there each day like a dog… emitting those magical fibers of unconditional love, kindness, sunshine and beautiful thoughts… what a peace-filled happy world it would be!  So the next time you find dog hair a nuisance, think of these magical fibers as a gift….then get out there and shed like a dog!

xo, Jana

Taking in the early morning sun, contemplating our adventures for the day!





Posted on Apr 19, 2023 | No Comments

A Phoenix Suns fan since the Coliseum and short shorts days! Love our Suns! Sending good mojo out into the Valley….

Let‘s GO SUNS!!


Suns Love…

Posted on Apr 16, 2023 | No Comments

Exciting day in The Valley Of The Sun…

!!!Go Suns!!!



The Cactus Crown

Posted on Apr 15, 2023 | No Comments

Spring in the desert is magical! The colors are spectacular: yellows, oranges, pinks, sage and vibrant greens! The wildlife, like the Chuckwalla with his orange stripe along his back, are sunning on the warm rocks. The blanket of bright yellow wild flowers are as far as the eye can see. The stately Quail and the spunky Cactus Wren are singing, inviting us into their desert home to take in all the beauty! And the warm bright sun shining down over it all…truly magical… there is a freshness in the air!

The cacti like the Ocotillo, Prickly Pear and Cholla are adorned like desert royalty with stunning blooms that seem to pop-up overnight.  With every spring comes a fresh start, a glimpse of how truly spectacular Mother Nature is… gently reminding us of the resiliency and strength we all have within!

Happy Spring!

xo, Jana
