The Daisy Bell
A glorious spring day, a bike & a cute daisy bell… ring, ring, happy Sunday!
xo, Jana
Thank you, Joni
Joni Mitchell, my all-time favorite female singer/songwriter, not only has created through her voice over the years but through a paint brush as well. “I sing my sorrow”, she shares, “And I paint my joy”. I love this quote as it reflects the “realness“ of the human spirit. Being vulnerable is an incredible strength. Allowing others to witness all of us is in our raw form is humbling and beautiful. She has experienced great adversity in her life yet stayed strong and resilient, always open to sharing her struggles and keeping things real…. not always easy in a world that seeks “perfection”. Joni is a gift to this world and to me personally… thank you, Joni, for sharing the real and raw beautiful you for all of us to see! xo, Jana
A Graceful Snowfall
Appreciating the serenity and grace of a light snowfall as it gently floats to the ground blanketing the beautiful land with peace & harmony… can you feel it too!
xo, Jana
Beneath The Juniper Tree
Strong and sturdy,
stay awhile,
the old Juniper tree welcomes me.
A crisp glorious day,
God’s creations poetically placed,
thriving in the deep red clay,
showered by the sun’s ray.
Others have been,
to this same spot,
I am sure….
It draws you in,
leaving one rested and secure.
A beautiful visit,
to nature so divine.
A beautiful way,
to spend Sunday time….
Beneath the Juniper tree.
xo Jana
Photo: Sedona, AZ 2025
Shape Of A Heart
A message appears,
out of the blue,
in the shape of a heart,
right there in plain view.
A water droplet,
had this to say,
“A message of love,
is coming your way”.
When the heart is so tender,
in a world so harsh,
don’t be discouraged….
Your fears God will wash.
The heart finds a way.
When the heart has been broken,
a million pieces scattered to the floor,
the mending will begin…
God will open a new door.
The heart finds a way.
When the heart needs to heal,
from the painful wounds that run deep,
the dressing is applied…
God’s healing hand you will reap.
The heart finds a way.
I am still as I listen,
it’s a message of love,
to hold on to and keep.
God has spoken clearly…
holding on dearly,
to the wisdom so deep,
through a water droplet,
in the shape of a heart.
Jana 2025
The Bridge
From here to there,
walking through the shadows cast,
intrigued by what lies ahead,
lessons learned along the way,
will not be the last.
Steps one by one,
over the wooden slats so strong,
patience in the travels,
feeling grounded and assured,
knowing I am right where I belong.
From here to there,
walking by faith,
not by sight,
supporting the journey so long,
honoring the past,
shining my light bright.
Comforting, steady and true,
holding me up high above,
yet humbled beneath the skies so blue.
Blessed to be a child of God.
Blessed to be so incredibly loved!
Jana ~ 2025
Photo: “West Fork Trail”, Sedona , AZ
Glorious Morning!
The glorious morning appears,
A new day has begun.
Dancing among vibrant blooms,
swaying to the breeze,
taking in the sun.
Peace has overcome!
The rays of light and love,
Beaming straight to the heart.
Strong and comforting,
A fresh new start.
With child-like innocence,
The aging face tells the stories,
of years gone by….
With years comes wisdom,
and ultimate grace.
The glorious morning appears,
A new day has begun.
Dancing among the vibrant blooms,
swaying to the breeze,
taking in the sun.
Peace has overcome!
~ Jana 2025
Photo: stock