Spatter Joy!

Posted on Mar 21, 2013 | One Comment

I often use my step stool when I am working on a large canvas. On the top step are remnants of beautiful colors creating its own small work of art.  As I took that top step the other day it got me thinking about what our world would look like if everywhere we traveled we spattered glorious colors of goodness, kindness and love.  A world where the more we spattered the more beautiful colors would appear allowing others to have a visual and actually “see” the goodness being spread.

I visualize the globe covered in hot pinks, brilliant greens, bright yellows, and vibrant blues, just beaming and alive with color!  Colors would begin to mix and layer, leaving behind a beautiful and strong foundation of joy!

How beautiful to spatter joy on our daily routes and in our communities, seeking out places that could use a little color and get to work.  You might come across some areas that would require a step stool to reach those high, out of the way places. Take that step and spatter away!

“And I think to myself, what a wonderful world ” – Louis Armstrong.




1 Comment

  1. Diane
    March 21, 2013

    I wish more people felt that way!


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